Thursday, September 22, 2022

Not a nihilist but not an optimist either?

Louis Armstrong - What A Wonderful World

Louis Armstrong - What A Wonderful World

Blind belief in authority is the greatest enemy of truth.


Blind belief in authority is the greatest enemy of truth.   Science can flourish only in an atmosphere of free speech. 

- Albert Einstein 

"The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of the true art and science"

-- Albert Einstein

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Mental Health Rituals




Poets and Misfits



“Blessed are the weird people: poets, misfits, writers mystics, painters, troubadours, for they teach us to see the world through different eyes.”

Jacob Nordby

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Margaret Mead on the first sign of civilization in a culture


Margaret Mead 

“Years ago, anthropologist Margaret Mead was asked by a student what she considered to be the first sign of civilization in a culture. The student expected Mead to talk about fishhooks or clay pots or grinding stones.

But no. Mead said that the first sign of civilization in an ancient culture was a femur (thighbone) that had been broken and then healed. Mead explained that in the animal kingdom, if you break your leg, you die. You cannot run from danger, get to the river for a drink or hunt for food. You are meat for prowling beasts. No animal survives a broken leg long enough for the bone to heal.

A broken femur that has healed is evidence that someone has taken time to stay with the one who fell, has bound up the wound, has carried the person to safety and has tended the person through recovery. Helping someone else through difficulty is where civilization starts, Mead said.

We are at our best when we serve others.”

Credit: Ira Byock


Monday, September 19, 2022

Ask Politicians: To whom are you accountable?


If you meet a powerful person, ask them 5 Questions: 

What power have you got? 

Where did you get it from? 

In whose interest do you exercise it? 

To whom are you accountable? 

How could we get rid of you?

Because if you can’t get rid of them they don’t have to listen to you.